The Crystal Temple

Reserve your spot to sit in communion with these gorgeous, ancient stones


FREE per person




Reserve a spot, open Wednesday 11am-2pm. Donations appreciated.

About this experience

The Crystal Temple 

Our vow is to open the Temple doors at least once a week to small groups for the soul purpose of communing with these ancient and wise beings. We ask that you are respectful of the space and the crystals, come with an open mind and open heart, and let the experience be what it is for you without expectation.

The Crystal Temple will be open every Wednesday from 11am – 2pm and, as space is limited, please register so we know how many are coming. The Temple Experience is free, although donations are accepted (but not required) to help recover the costs.

The first Wednesday of the month we are now hosting a Guided Meditation. For more information and to sign up, please follow this link:

Guided Meditation Sign ups

The Guided meditation is also available upon request, so if you can't make it to the first Wednesday of the month, please let us know. In the future, we hope to be able to sustain opening the Temple more often, and commit to working towards that goal.

 The Crystal Temple is across the street from Rock Mama, at 5665 Power Inn Road, #148


Welcome Beloveds, to our Crystal Temple

to a healing space of comfort, peace, and beauty

to a sacred space,

to a sanctuary

Guarded by Ancient Ones of the Crystal Kingdom

Gathered together for your well-being

For your growth

For your healing

For your soul‘s journey

Let their loving presence seep into you

Mind – Body – Heart – Soul

Feel their energy merge with yours

Listen to their messages

Open to their love and offerings

Always in support of your best and highest Good


The Crystal Temple has its roots in the Crystal Council Suzanne first consulted with, via her shamanic journeying practice, nearly 20 years ago. At that time, she went to them seeking permission and advice around selling her healing gemstone talismans, wanting to make sure she did so in alignment with her deep respect for the crystals as ancient, intelligent beings.

 The crystals were supportive of her working with them, but asked that she always present them as sacred, teach about their energies and properties, and help them on their journeys to heal, teach, protect, and comfort. That first meeting with the Council defined the direction Suzanne’s crystal journey took, and there were many check-ins along the way.

 When Suzanne and Toni first opened the doors to Rock Mama, they checked in once again, and received the crystals’ blessings and encouragement, as long as the shop continued to honor those initial agreements.

 In a more recent Council session, however, the Crystals asked for a larger reciprocal offering: the creation of a Crystal Temple. Their request was for a sacred space, a re-visioning of the ancient temples where crystals were honored as sacred and shared with the community. The vision was for a space where people could come and commune with a physical Council of Crystals, intentionally gathered together for the purpose of healing. The request was heard, the seed was planted, the vision took form, and the time has now come for the Rock Mamas to honor their pledge and open the doors to the Crystal Temple.

Your Host

Host image

The Rock Mamas: Suzanne and Toni

The crystals called to us when we were just little girls and have been our life-long allies. As adults their call deepened and broadened and we listened and followed.

We found wise teachers and dove deep into the world of Crystal Healing, Crystal Mediumship, and Crystal Light Walking – a form of shamanic journeying that lets us travel across the spiritual realms. We now work with the crystals as ancient, wise, and powerful healing partners, that are unfailingly generous with their love, light, and spirit, sharing their energy and wisdom, amplifying our own healing work and offerings with their brilliance.