The Artist's Way in 13 weeks
Bring more creativity into your life!Cost:
$20.00 – $90.00 per personDuration:
2h 30minSchedule:
13 Thursdays, Week 8: March 27About this experience
Special Note: March 27 we learn T-tunic construction. Bring 2x the length you would like the item to be. A scrap or two of a contrasting material will work for collar and other possible details or bring a stretch material (or non-fraying) for less work!
About The Artist's Way:
Unlock your Creativity! Following the book by Julia Cameron, I will be facilitating a Thirteen Week program meant to help you tap into your inner Artist Child.
Yes! You have an artist inside of you just waiting for you to unlock your Creativity. We will do some crafty activities (coloring, collage, print making) but mostly we will review the reading of one chapter a week and the activities in the book. See the syllabus below for details, we have some very cool activites lined up this time!
I am only charging enough to cover the cost of space rental and a few supplies! Rock Mama has run out of the book but they do have the accompanying workbook if you like having the dedicated journal for doing the weekly tasks.
Hard Time with Commitment?
Pay the $20 drop in fee to come see what it's all about and join in on the creative activities. If you decide to take the course, your 20 dollars counts as a deposit!
Already been a part of The Artist's Way and just want to drop in one week? Use the drop in fee for a one night visit. Join the check ins and remind yourself to keep going with your Artist Dates and Morning Pages!
Syllabus: Guiding through The Artist’s Way
The Book: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
What Cool Crafty Projects Await?
Dragon face book cover, Whimsical Wizard’s Hat, Costume design- duct tape bodice method, costume design- T-tunic, collage/decoupage, maybe some miniature making? Maybe silk painting (I still have supplies to repeat this project. The last project often comes down to what the group decides. Possibly book binding if I get enough people to manage supplies. I have often pulled out watercolor as well. See the weekly breakdown to plan ahead
Supply List:
Do not feel like you must run out and buy all these items at once, this is a process that will take 12 weeks! Underlined items I won’t have supplies for and will need to be brought. Also, many of these items are likely to be things you have on hand or know someone who will happily share their supply. Many items are easily found at the dollar store, so you don’t have to spend much. Yes, spoil yourself with fun crafty items that grab your attention, even if they aren’t on the list. You need those too! Give yourself permission to create.
· Reward stickers. Stickers that make your inner Artist Child squee. The dollar store is great for this. Spoil yourself!
· Scissors, markers, colored pencils. Scrapbooking supplies if you have them around, crafty friends tend to like sharing if you don’t.
· Magazines and collected images. Brochures to places and items you’ve always wanted. Printed and old sketches count too. Pretty birthday cards you couldn’t toss, shiny packaging, any pretty paper!
· Notebooks. I have a composition notebook for you that we will decorate. I like them because they are cheap and I don’t feel bad if it’s a mess or gets damaged. It has a job to do. But also consider that pretty one that’s been calling your name. It will find a purpose other than sitting on your shelf. You will need to bring one in for creating the sculpted dragon book seen in the store! This will be a two-class project
· Drawing paper (12x18 recommended but work with your budget and wall space) for making some small posters. I have some to donate to the class but if you want something nicer or have some paper to contribute from your craft hoard, feel free.
· Small box. Maybe you have an old jewelry box you couldn’t see getting rid of? A shoebox? Some small package box that was too nice to toss? Even a Kleenex box will work.
· A yard of felt in a color you’d like for your whimsical wizardry hat. Baubles, trim, sewing notions, beads, etc for decorating, though I’m sure that many will have things from their collection to contribute. Needle felting tools, wool roving. I have a supply of various craft square colors to share. This will be a two-class project
· A roll of duct tape and an old t-shirt (it will get cut up) for costume designing, the duct tape bodice method
· Material for the T-Tunic 2-3 yards depending on the length you would like. Measure the length and double that number. 1 yard of contrasting material for trim.
Visit www.
Under the Projects tab you will find a section for Artist’s Way where you can find worksheets if you missed a week or want to follow along but aren’t coming to every meeting. Here’s a link to my facebook group if you’d like to stay connected, even if you don’t stay for all of The Artist’s Way
Plan Ahead:
Week 1: Introduction and Spiritual Electricity: The Basic Principles and The Basic Tools. & Chapter 1: Recovering a Sense of Safety.
- What’s it all about? You don’t have to be an Artist to get something from this. It is for everyone!
- Project: Collage for our journals & potion bottles
- Project: Affirmations- Affirmative weapons
- Worksheets: Time travelers log, potion bottles, The Contract
Week 2: Recovering a Sense of Identity
- Project: Box the Censor!
- Posters- Rules of the Road, Imaginary Lives pg 55
- Watercoloring- The Contract
- Worksheets: My safety Map, Life Pie chart
Week 3: Recovering a Sense of Power
- Project: Dragon eye book cover- part 1
- Worksheet: Detective Work
- Warning! Reading deprivation coming up
Week 4: Recovering a Sense of Integrity
- Project: Dragon eye book cover- part 2 (painting)
- Project: Reading Deprivation. Explore an interest.
- Worksheets: Buried Dreams, Time Traveler logs, Life Pie revisited
Week 5: Recovering a Sense of Possibility
- Project: Whimsical Wizard’s Hat: part 1 construction
- Worksheets: Lists-Digging Time
Week 6: Recovering a Sense of Abundance
- Project: Whimsical Wizard’s Hat: part 2 decoration
- Worksheet: Money Madness, An Exercise
Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection
- Project: Costume Design: Duct Tape bodice
- Worksheet: Risk-Make a list, The jealousy map, Archeology
Week 8: Recovering a Sense of Strength
- Project: Costume Design: T-Tunic
- Worksheets: Early Patterning, Goal Search, Style Search
Week 9: Recovering a Sense of Compassion
- Project: silk painting
- Worksheets: Blasting through blocks, Map out your dream
Week 10: Recovering a Sense of Self-Protection
- Project: book binding or explore an interest, what would the group like to do?
- Worksheet: The Workaholism Quiz, The Awful Truth, The Deadlies
Week 11: Recovering a Sense of Autonomy
- Project: Creativity Notebook/Manifestation Journal and Artist’s Altar
- Give Yourself Permission to Create!
Week 12: Recovering a Sense of Faith
- Project: Determined by the group
Week 13: Check in for Week 12
- Project: Finishing projects
- Keep going on Artist Dates and write your Morning Pages! This is not the end! Join my facebook group to get continued support or start your own Artist’s Way group. You can find all my worksheets for FREE on my website.
Creating is my passion, and I am so glad to help unlock that love for living creatively in others. Thank you for joining me in this continued adventure!
Your Host

Christine Reyes is a multi-media artist and teacher with a Bachelor's Degree in Art Education. She has facilitated The Artist's Way for friends for the past 10 years, opening her house and craft room to the cause. She now runs The Artist's Way at Rock Mama Studio. She practices creating mandalas for herself and has made them for others too.
Chris is currently working on creating a tarot deck (The Veralla Tarot) and has other class offerings planned for the future in: creating mandalas, working with watercolor and sharing in the process of creating a tarot deck. Rock Mama carries her Tarot Coloring Book featuring all 78 designs from her tarot deck in process!
To learn more about Chris see her webpage:
She is also the coordinator for Rock Mama Studio's Classes/Events. You can contact her at if you're interested in teaching in our space.