Elements of Magic
Learn the basics taught in the Reclaiming Tradition with the Rock Mama's!Cost:
$100.00 – $300.00 per personDuration:
Six Tuesdays, March 25-April 29, 6:00pm-9:00pmAbout this experience
Six Tuesday Evenings, 6:00pm - 9:00pm
with the Rock Mamas: Suzanne & Toni
With the art of magic,
we deepen our vision and focus our will,
empowering ourselves to act in the world.
In this class we begin the practice of Magic,
Witchcraft, and Goddess spirituality by working with
the Elements of Magic: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit.
Elements of Magic is the first of the Reclaiming Tradition core classes.
We welcome all participants to this class, whether you are new to the craft and looking to explore a new path, or an experienced practitioner intending to reconnect with or deepen your own work.
Together, we will journey through the elements working with the tools of trance, movement, sound, silence, divination and more. Other techniques will include visualization, sensing and projecting energy, chanting, grounding, creating magical space, spell craft, and structuring rituals.
This work will help us build and deepen our relationships with the five sacred elements of life as we open to the deep magic of the elements and what they have to teach us.
We ask that all applicants be committed to attending all six class meetings.
Prerequisite: Reading the first six chapters of The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
Price: sliding scale $100 - $300. Please decide where on the sliding scale you are - explanations are not required - and if the lower end of the scale is impossible for you, please contact us.
There is one BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ Scholarship Available.
Please connect with Chris at Chris@RockMama.com to check availability
Trouble Paying online?
Call the Store: (916)869-9154
Your Host

About Toni & Suzanne:
The crystals called to us when we were just little girls and have been our life-long allies. As adults their call deepened and broadened and we listened and followed.
We found wise teachers and dove deep into the world of Crystal Healing, Crystal Mediumship, and Crystal Light Walking – a form of shamanic journeying that lets us travel across the spiritual realms. We now work with the crystals as ancient, wise, and powerful healing partners, that are unfailingly generous with their love, light, and spirit, sharing their energy and wisdom, amplifying our own healing work and offerings with their brilliance.